Quote Of The Day: " Suffer The Pain Of Discipline, or Suffer The Pain Of Regret!"
I absolutely love this quote! It states the simple truth, whether you choose to discipline yourself through the rough times to finally progress to something better (A better lifestyle, A better job, A better relationship, Better health, A better environment for your family) or not is up to you! But if you do not work through it, and you allow yourself to stay in a place where you are unhappy, unhealthy, and unsafe it is only the pain of regret you're going to feel!
With this quote, I want you to really think hard about the difficulties life is presenting you with right now, is there any resentments you have in life that you'd really like to push through but just haven't had the time or energy? Well I can tell you I've had plenty, and although it's hard to embrace those feelings and decide you've had enough of them, it is VERY possible to get past them!
First you must acknowledge what negative situations are currently impacting your life, then you must ask yourself what it is you'd have to do to rid yourself of these situations! If you are serious about making a commitment and changing your life, you will find a way if not many to get yourself out of a negative situation. When you've found what it is you must do, you must then ask yourself why and how bad you would like to live a happier, healthier, and more vibrant life! When you know what it is you'd like to get rid of, how to get past it, and why you want to surpass it, it is then that the real pain kicks in!
Discipline, Perseverance, Keeping yourself inspired, When the going gets tough get tougher. You must account for all of these and many more aspects if you wish to improve your life. When you decide to make a change it is not deciding that is difficult, it is continuing to make that change every day even when it seems impossible that is truly difficult! It is also just that that is going to ensure your success! Discipline even under the most wretched of circumstances is what makes change.
So keep in mind, ridding yourself of pain and suffering is a pain in itself, but the regret of living with that pain all of your life and never doing a thing about it will be the worst pain of all!
Written By: Kyle McClure (ThinkPink2Shrink)
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